Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Never Ending Vaccine Saga

I have a couple of responses to the little vaccine article that I've seen A LOT over the past few weeks.

1. Make an informed decision. As in do the reading and research yourself, from BOTH sides. Stop being spoon fed information from agenda driven and profit mongering people. Stop believing all the fear driven propaganda and make your own informed decision.

2. Think about this for a minute. I know fully vaccinated people who are sick all the dang time. I mean ALL THE TIME. And I also know people, like myself, fully vaccinated as a child and rarely ill. I also know a lot of unvaccinated kids and adults that are rarely ill also. So eat that. People get sick, vaccinated or not.

3. I know people who contracted whooping cough, chicken pox, and the flu after being vaccinated. Yep, totally up to date no booster needed and sick with the disease that the shot was meant to prevent!

4. I personally know people who have had an irreversible life altering reaction to vaccines. That was also preventable-by not vaccinating.

5. People who chose not to vaccinate are not trying to avoid the illness the vaccine was meant to prevent. We want to avoid the side effects to other ingredients and chemicals (such as mercury).

The bottom line:
You are not a better parent than me because you vaccinate. I am not a better parent than you because I don't. I am also not irresponsible or uneducated. I read, researched, and PRAYED before I made the decision not to vaccinate, I hope you can say you spent the same effort. Parents need to do what they believe to be the best for their children and let others be.

Here are a few vaccine resources:
The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears
Dispelling Vaccination Myths (Three part article on Dr. Mercola's website, great source of statistics)
4 Things You Didn't Know About Vaccines (a blog & a documentary linked here)
A Rebuttal to Growing Up Unvaccinated
Why Vaccines Are Scientific Fraud