I fully believe the Lord is up to something big {isn't He always}! I had so much hope and excitement in my heart when I headed out last July and this time I have even more. It's almost like an anxiousness, waiting to see what awesome things the Lord has in store.
When I go to Cambodia this year I want the love, hope, and mercy of the Lord to be so engraved in my heart that it shines through my eyes. I am opening my life. My prayer is that I remember to open up my life daily, not only in Cambodia, but keeping it open for His work.
God provided for my trip last year in a supernatural way. I was blown away by the partnership of prayer and funding that came through. It was unexplainable the way the Lord poured out through His children and right into my life. I know that He will do the same this year. You, my friends and family are my partners. Please partner with me in prayer for this trip.
The dates for the trip:
July 6th - July 18th
Current Prayer Requests:
Funding for everyone going.
General blessings over the trip.
Wisdom for my pastor and leaders as they plan out all the details {and there are LOTS of details}.
If you would like to partner with me financially please follow this link and type in my name Hailey Amos:
Global Reach For Justice
Here are the links to my blogs from the 2013 trip:
A Call
Leavin' on a Jet Plane
There and Back Again