Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Goals for the New Year

Mackey and I wanted to start the new year right.  We wanted to set goals, vision cast, and be prepared for this day.  Well, we aren't.  This past year was a whirl wind of busy.  Christmas was crazy busy and lots of fun, but it left us totally drained and tired.  On top of that two of the Littles got sick!  We are off to a rough start. 

We believe it is very important to seek the Lord and His Word to find a vision and purpose in every season.  We are not always good at this.  When we don't stop to set goals or vision cast we lose track of the things important to us and the things that God has spoken to us for our family.  The other thing that happens is the busyness of life steals the joy!   

However, we did manage to jot down a few things.  I think it's an excellent start to a new year.  We wanted some foundational things to start our vision casting.  Here is our list so far:

1. Watch less TV.
2. More self discipline & habit training, Charlotte Mason style.     
3. Be purposed.
4. Practice what we preach!!!  
6. Missional thinking.  
7. Follow through.

That's it folks.  That is as far as we got.  It's better than nothing.  Over the next few days and weeks we will begin to break down these areas and make plans. 

"If people can’t see what God is doing,
    they stumble all over themselves;
But when they attend to what he reveals,
    they are most blessed." 
Proverbs 29:18 (MSG)

Wishing you many NEW blessings!!